Raised of MYR 200.00 target.
Hello, I am Samantha from AIESEC in CU. I joined AIESEC since April 2019 where I have learned and gained a lot throughout my journey with AIESEC. I have had the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and experience things that I have never had before. I get to develop myself alongside the people around me in AIESEC and together we make impacts in the communities in East Malaysia. Besides having limited resources, we are still active and passionate about creating opportunities based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for youths because we strongly believe that our impact can make a change to the communities.
This project, Speak Up Borneo, has been running since 2017 which is to tackle the problems of low English proficiency of the students due to the lack of National English Education in Miri, Sarawak. We collaborate with different schools and learning partners to carry out activities for students in rural areas to have the chance to particpate in. We believe our small actions can contribute and make a change to the students and communities.
Your contribution will mean the world to us to be able to continue what we do for what we believe in and make a change in the community. Let us all fight together and contribute towards a better East Malaysia.
Raised of MYR 200.00 target.