About Us

GivingHub is a platform with a mission to help the public and organisations give to charitable causes more effectively.

We provide tools, information and expertise to help guide charitable giving and philanthropy to the most effective causes.

We utilise the experience in our nonprofit arm, NGOhub and the principles of effective altruism to guide our programs and services.

Let us be your platform for giving and making the most impact with what you have to offer!

What We Do

Charitable Giving

We provide a platform to manage your charitable giving. Automate your giving monthly, and choose the most effective charity according to your mind and your heart. We aim to make giving more thoughtful rather than reactionary, to help make your donation worth more, and create longer term impact.

Skill based Volunteering

Our Level Up platform provides opportunities for skilled professionals to volunteer their skills in short term, part time projects to help charities solve fundamental challenges like digital marketing, HR development, Design, Branding, etc.

Philanthropy and Grant Giving

We provide consultancy to help your philanthropic efforts find its mission. We are guided by network science and the collective impact approach. We help design, implement and steer your philanthropy and grant giving for long term impact and if needed, a multi-stakeholder approach.

Let us help you understand the need of the community, identify areas that needs funding, build your philanthropy / CSR pillars and implement programs with long term impact.

The Team


Wah Hoo is a passionate community builder with deep interests in effective altruism and network science. After spending 9 years working in sales and marketing, managing brands for a multinational company, he took a divergent path to pursue his interest in social work. Since 2013, he has been involved in multiple initiatives in rural and urban community empowerment through education, income generation and leadership training.


Hakimah's passion lies in community empowerment projects. She is a Communications graduate who has 5 years of experience in project management and coordination in social impact under her belt. Motivated to constantly and consistently learn new things about the industry, she aspires to do the most good through her work with the community she serves.


Chin Shuen as a psychology student from UCSI University, has joined GivingHub as a Project Management Executive. Two unrelated yet similar fields, and that is what sparks her desire to challenge herself. She soon finds her passion in managing different projects and bringing impacts to people who are in need, while trying to apply psychology in people interactions.


Refa's is determined to help non-profits make meaningful impact for the society. Her passion is to contribute, support, and make a difference through the work that she do. A newcomer to the social impact industry, she is willing and ready to give her best for more than just her career - she's ready to make the change she wishes to see in the world.


Well-rounded and experienced technology professional with a decade of tech industry experience, 7 years as a fully-remote developer. Karuna specializes in and excels at leading and working with international teams of developers, spanning multiple time-zones. An excellent communicator, skilled at cross-team collaboration, and technically experienced in backend and infrastructure development.

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