In line with the National Arts and Culture department™s efforts to ˜merakyatkan seni™, The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat aims to break the barrier between the arts and the people. It began in 2006 when TAS Seni Teater Rakyat presented Alfian Sa™at™s œAnak Bulan di Kampong Wa™ Hassan featuring Gene Sha Rudyn which toured to five villages throughout Peninsular Malaysia. Since then, TAS Seni Teater Rakyat has presented a wide body of local work from contemporary plays like œKisah Gadis (2008) to experiments like œMak Yong Titis Sakti (2009) as well as traditional performances like the œA Night of Cantonese Opera series. It also collaborates with other groups to present new work such as Lee Wushu™s œFarewell, My Concubine (2011) which was a combination of martial arts and dance as well as the Young KL Singers™ œTogether As One (2011) which was a concert featuring sacred songs from different religions around the world. The highlight of the 2012 TAS Seni Teater Rakyat programme was an exciting new musical œPaper Crane. This year, the programme features 3 restagings of hit productions from The Actors Studio “ Philadelphia Here I Come, Broken Bridges, and Rashomon.
Total Funds Raised
03-4047 9000
The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan (off Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah “ formerly known as Jalan Ipoh) 51100 Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur