TechSoup Asia (Malaysia)


By registering your NGO, you™ll be pre-qualified for the free use of powerful cloud resources such as Microsoft™s versatile Office 365 for Nonprofits program, and the Google for Nonprofits program as well which includes AdWord grants, Google Apps and more!Inviting you to help your NGO by giving it access to the tech resources that it will need, by signing up for TechSoup.It™s an international NGO that™s partnered with the leading tech providers such as Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec and many more. Since 2011, TechSoup and its generous donor partners have been continuously providing Southeast Asian NGOs with all the software, learning materials and technology resources that they need to make an even greater impact. In addition, you™ll also access an array of learning materials and even a wide selection of popular desktop applications such as office suites, operating systems, anti-viruses and more, all under charity pricing!

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