

by AIESEC in Johor Bahru

MYR 209.11

Raised of MYR 2,000.00 target.



Over 2 Years





Do you care about children’s needs for EDUCATION? Us too.

The younger generation is said to be Malaysia’s backbone for a reason.

Our future depends on them, be it politicians, teachers, doctors… These kids will soon be the ones running the world. There is only one way we can help build the future they rule, which is to equip them with knowledge through education.

This is where the collaboration between AIESEC and NGOs comes in, to co-create a project for SDG 4, Quality Education. By “NGOs” in this context, we specifically mean Jeremiah Welfare Charity Society and Berkat Children’s Home.


Now, let’s take a tour around the NGOs that have been helping the community build that future, namely Jeremiah Welfare Charity Society and Berkat Children’s Home:

Jeremiah Welfare Charity Society is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation that seeks to help youths aged between 13-18 years old in the community to develop healthier lifestyles by providing holistic education and training in order to cultivate a purposeful and disciplined life.

Berkat Children's Home was created for ministering and caring for the deprived, suffering children in the community, restoring broken lives of innocent victims caused by the tragedy, improvised and abused.


YES! They do their very best to ensure that each and every child out there is given a chance. The door to infinite opportunities was locked and these NGOs are trying to put the key in their young hands. We from AIESEC in Johor Bahru were touched by their efforts (I’m sure you’re touched too), thus we came up with this wonderful project together with the NGOs!

HOWEVER, COVID-19 has impacted everyone hard, including these loving NGOs. This came to be an issue for our co-created project as since AIESEC, Jeremiah Welfare Charity Society and Berkat Children’s Home are all non-profit organizations, project expenses are hard to cover.


“How so?” Well, you see, usually, both NGOs are sustained through funding from well wishes, clubs, organisations, public companies, and friends while AIESEC has done so by having physical projects and events. Since any physical event in general has been prohibited to keep us all safe, our project has lost many means of sustainability, including through contact with the caring public, you.

So, why should you care?

Without sufficient funds, this project would struggle to keep providing quality education for the children who weren’t given it all but are just as responsible for the future of our nation.

The fate of your future lies in the hands of children who are struggling to get their education.

That’s right, this is not just about OUR future and how THEY are going to support us, but how WE are here to support them.




“What kind of project?” you might ask. To simplify, our project consists of 3 parties ⸺AIESEC, NGOs and volunteers. As AIESEC does the background work, volunteers are recruited to teach and interact with the children in the NGOs, providing quality education.

This project is also a way to help out our local NGOs by providing them with manpower to continue on their journey in giving back to our society, all by educating our nation’s backbone right. The volunteers being youths themselves also get their own chance to develop themselves in their volunteering journey while giving back to the community as well.

AIESEC as the middleman of this NGO-volunteer relationship serves as a bridge between the 2 parties as we screen for the volunteers’ recruitment and handle all the logistics behind the project. We also provide the volunteers with self-reflective spaces so that they may realize and learn even more about themselves and how to improve the operation while they’re volunteering.

To tackle SDG 4, Quality Education, we are doing what we can by bridging the virtual gap between the NGOs and the public, especially in these trying times.

In order to do so, we are working to raise awareness of the NGOs’ needs, especially when they are providing so much to our community. Here’s how we’re trying to do it:

1st- Direct impact

To compensate for the lack of quality education, our first approach is to recruit volunteers to provide education for the students in the NGOs is the first approach to solving the lack of quality education.

2nd- Livestreams

This allows the audience to get to know Jeremiah Welfare Charity Society and Berkat Children’s Home better and hopefully connect with them on a personal level. This rings true when we realise how both NGOs are relevant to our future by providing quality education for the nation’s children.

3rd- Developing youths

The term “youths” ranges very widely in our projects to help the NGOs, referring to our organising committee, our recruited volunteers as well as the children from the NGOs. We believe that youths develop themselves through hands-on experiences in challenging environments, thus we involve ourselves directly however we may.

These are some of the efforts we are making:

3.1 Co-creation of social projects with NGOs

Directly impact the provision of quality education within Jeremiah Welfare Charity Society and Berkat Children’s Home by conducting virtual classes and activities.

3.2 Organising committee

Handles the logistics in the project, including the screening for suitable volunteers, alignments with NGOs, financial and legal documentation, training of volunteers, etc.

3.3 Virtual spaces for self-development of youths

In AIESEC, youths’ self-development journeys are highly prioritized. This is why time is allocated for youths to self-reflect, to look back on their journey so far and to find better ways to improve themselves in the future. These spaces create more value for youths as it facilitates their growth in general as a person.

What about you? Would you like to be a part of the journey to help out our community?



Jeremiah Welfare Charity Society and Berkat Children’s Home are both receiving help from volunteers virtually to provide education to their children. At the same time, volunteers as youths also gain tremendous learnings from this experience as AIESEC connects them with our local NGOs.


  1. Quality Education virtually provided to children

Recruited volunteers put in their valuable time and effort into delivering online sessions, either academic or fun sessions so that children have access to quality education in the midst of a pandemic.

  1. Volunteers develop themselves as better individuals

In AIESEC, we believe that young people learn through hands-on experiences in challenging environments. By stepping out of their comfort zone, the volunteers are able to discover more about themselves while picking up new soft skills. Plus, since the project is virtual, it gives youths more exposure to technological knowledge.

  1. NGOs’ sustainability

Through the project’s initiative, this crowdfunding campaign has been set up to help Jeremih Welfare Charity Society and Berkat Children’s Home through tough times. Of course, this would be more possible with YOUR help!

Goal Breakdown

Goal 1 - NGO Operation. Amount Needed: MYR1,200

Goal 2 - Project Expenses . Amount Needed: MYR800.00

Goal 3 - . Amount Needed: MYR

Contribute now to make a difference! ❤️

MYR 209.11

Raised of MYR 2,000.00 target.







Spread the love


Amount Donated

MYR 26.63

Kuang Han Yong

About the Organization/Project behind this Campaign

AIESEC in Johor Bahru

Our Identity

AIESEC is the world's largest non-profit youth-run organization. It is an international non-governmental not-for-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural global internships, and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe. The organization focuses on empowering young leaders to make a positive impact on society through actions.

Our Vision

AIESEC strives for Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind's Potential as an organization.

In today’s context, ‘Peace’ does not necessarily mean only avoiding war. Peace can symbolize a world that does not have conflicts that arise from cultural, religious, or other aspects of differences in humanity. Peace can also symbolize being in harmony with yourself. AIESEC strives to build a world where people can work towards their own understanding of peace while respecting and understanding the views of others.

Through Fulfilment of Humankind’s Potential, AIESEC strives for a world where people can be the best version of themselves.

Our Action

We place our confidence in youth because they have the passion, dynamism, and entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to shape the future. They have the responsibility to improve tomorrow by choosing who they will be today. Hence, AIESEC is a platform for young leaders to run projects that are aligned with  to ensure its relevance to the local community needs. We aim to be part of the solution for the betterment of Malaysia