Raised of MYR 20,000.00 target.
membantu memberi makan kepada fakir miskin, anak yatim golongan gelandangan, tegar miskin yang terjejas selama pandemik covid 19
1.memghulurkan juadah sahur dan berbuka puasa kepada mereka sepanjang bulan ramadhan
2.membantu memberi makan seperti sedekah food pack kepada mereka yang memerlukan
3.sebagai tanggungjawab sosial dan kebajikan sebagai ganjaran pahala kepada para penderma yang baik hati menghulurkan sumbangan bagi orang yang berkemampuan kepada yang tidak berkemampuan
Mengurangkan beban kewangan support group dan menyasarkan lebih ramai yang mendapat manfaat. Mengurangkan jurang sosio ekonomi.
Goal 1 - Food pack sahur. Amount Needed: MYRRM8000
Goal 2 - food pack berbuka puasa. Amount Needed: MYRRM10000
Goal 3 - kos pengangkutan. Amount Needed: MYRrm2000
1. Reduce the burden by donating to the poor
2. as a social responsibility and welfare of the organization
3.Provide a positive impact on aid recipients with a smile and reduce the income burden of those affected during the covid pandemic 19
4. As a charity and community service to get rewards
This charity project was successfully implemented by a healthy youth organization on 16 April 2021 when Muslims celebrated Ramadan during the human fasting life in the norm during the covid 19 pandemic. ngohub and public donations for breaking fast by delivering "food sadaqah" to the poor for breaking fast food
Raised of MYR 20,000.00 target.
Malaysian government to further promote the participation of youth in community activities in Malaysia. With the initiative of the youth is expected to take advantage of existing opportunities to give back and contribute to the State. [1] The Malaysian government has recognized that Malaysia can help youth and play a crucial role in shaping Malaysia as a better destination to live, work and play. In order to capture the imagination of the youth in order to provide inspiration in realizing the Belia sihat tonggak negara was established to carry out activities related to volunteer. [2] These activities aim to benefit the community and social groups targeted in the campaign. Through this campaign, Belia Sihat Tonggak Negara will be up to the individual whether collective or single, non-governmental organizations and the corporate sector to coordinate efforts to promote volunteerism of youth. More interestingly, 20 youth personality has been named 'BELIA SIHAT TONGGAK NEGARA' which was announced by the Honourable Tun Mahathir, Prime Minister of Malaysia at the Perdana Putra, Putrajaya. These skilled individuals have contributed significantly to the development of the country. All of them are stars in the fields they have ventured into the child, sports, music & youth