Support Group

Emergency Funds for Flood Relief

by Ronan Danial Bin Mohd Hafiz Chai

MYR 3,030.88

Raised of MYR 3,000.00 target.



Almost 3 Years





EN: Tragic. There is no other way to describe it. As we hope to finally mitigate the Covid-19 outbreak in the country, Malaysia was struck with a devastating series of flash floods. Highways have closed down, horrific landslides, homes destroyed and families suffering. States and districts in Malaysia that have never experienced flooding of such severity before are now practically underwater.

This terribly uncalled-for series of floods that have disrupted thousands of lives will surely mark its own place in history, and I daresay we will not be forgetting it any time soon. Basic necessities that are crucial has to be provided continuously in disaster especially clean water, food, and sanitary essentials. As we speak, many are still in need, who feel powerless but cling to hope for a better tomorrow. We must help them get aid.

BM: Tragis. Tidak dapat digambarkan. Apabila wabak Covid-19 di negara mulai berkurangan, Malaysia dilanda banjir kilat yang amat dahsyat. Kebanyakan lebuh raya terpaksa ditutup, bencana tanah runtuh, rumah-rumah musnah dan banyak keluarga yang menderita dalam masa yang amat singkat. Negeri-negeri yang tidak pernah mengalami banjir seteruk ini akhirnya telah ditenggelami air. 


Banjir yang tidak disangka-sangka ini mengakibatkan ribuan rakyat menderita memerlukan bantuan dan pastinya peristiwa ini tidak akan dilupakan. Bekalan keperluan asas seperti air bersih, makanan dan barang keperluan peribadi amatlah diperlukan secara berterusan. Sejak beberapa hari yang lalu, masih ramai yang terkandas dan memerlukan bantuan secepat mungkin. Mereka semua pasti sedang bergantung harap supaya keadaan kembali baik seperti sediakala dan sebagai rakyat prihatin, marilah sama-sama kita menghulurkan bantuan



We need your help Malaysia, to contribute!

Frontliners, volunteers, and other heroic organizations are always risking their lives for those in need. Let’s assist them so that they are able to sustain their operations for as long as they need.

We encourage our fellow Malaysians and friends to donate, share, and if possible help us exceed our target value!


This campaign will provide much-needed emergency funding to NGOs who continue to aid our fellow Malaysians that were victims of the flood.

As gruesome it may seem, we should keep in mind that bad things don’t happen to us. They happen ‘for’ us, to help us understand that you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. I hope to give a fair chance to everyone in helping those in need. To help them see the rainbow at the end of the day.

SOS Contribute now

MYR 3,030.88

Raised of MYR 3,000.00 target.







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Amount Donated

MYR 10.65

Anonymous Donor
Plus Ultra Ronan shounen

Amount Donated

MYR 53.25

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 26.63

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 53.25

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 10.65

Anonymous Donor

About the Organization/Project behind this Campaign

Ronan Danial Bin Mohd Hafiz Chai

Ronan contacted GivingHub with a heart set on goodwill for flood-affected community. Aiming to raise RM3,000, Ronan wishes to go beyond providing relief as he sends a message of hope for a better tomorrow.